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mccleary title office We closed on January 6th, 2012 at McCleary Title in Baton Rouge at 11616 Southfork Ave.…http://www.mcclearytitle.com  mc title logo  Thanks to Steve Landy and his team at McCleary we were able to move forward with the closing that had been delayed since November 2011.   There were outstanding issues with right-w-ways and title that had to be dealt with but once we had those issues resolved Steve closed on the house very quickly and without any more problems!  A big thank you goes out to Steve for guiding us and keeping everything on track.  Once closed RL Bennett surveyors confirmed out NO Work…. and off we go.  NOT to forget that our local branch hb_logo of Denham Springs is our go to source. Thanks to Craig Coleman our loan officer.  Thanks for hanging in there with us while we worked out our issues. 

NOW, on to the important things at hand.  What to do next??  Call the framer Robert Jones and meet with him to determine when we can form the slab, and of course we had to deal with the decision of post tension or not to post tension.  Solution… call back  Chris Hoyt, our dirt man and remove some of the mound and bring it back down a few inches. 

Now water permits, Port a Potties, follow up with Holmes Building Materials in Denham Springs and Chris Knippersholmes building referral from my brother-in-law Gerald Cotton    cotten custom homes       and have the form material delivered. 

OK!! we are ready to go…. Oh wait a minute the former has to go to MS. to finish a job but will be here for the weekend….

No problem we can finish up with concrete prices and checking out the new Boracare Termite treatment with Salvants Pest Control.    salvant

Now that we have the temporary electric pole taken care of with Rainbow Electric and Jonathan Williamson we are ready to begin the visual work of seeing the layout!

So as you can see Robert Jones and his crew were busy on January 21,2012…. ,exactly three months to the day that the mound was formed, here are the pic results along with the start of plumbing from our famous plumber… at…. Dubois Plumbing Company!  Thumbs updubois plumbing company

Next up on the planning is slab survey, Lobell’s Engineering,  check ordered with, Hancock Bank, (Craig Coleman)  hb_logo    and decide on our doors and windows with Holmes Building Materials in Denham Springs.



Next we will be getting the diggers out….Open-mouthed smile, and the slab poured!  RAIN RAIN GO AWAY COME AGAIN WHEN WE CAN BE INSIDE TO PLAY!

Cannot wait to be able to post more!  Of course decisions about shingles and brick color are next along with wall color, trim color, cabinet color, stained concrete color,  Whew.. time to take a break and go to pinterest for some therapy time! and OH sale some houses…. Hope you enjoy my ranting’s and seeing our progress!